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The strategies to avoid using technological tools like “electronic worksheets”

A student-centered classroom in the 21st century is one in which students are engaged in using technological tools to assist them in constructing a deeper understanding of concepts. While students welcome technology as a familiar learning tool, too many teachers use technology as “electronic worksheets” (Wilhelm, 2004, p. 45). In some classrooms, technology is a reward for on-task behavior rather than a simple tool to provide meaningful and engaging teaching and learning (Lisenbee, 2016: 102).

Based on your teaching experiences and knowledge as EFL teachers, discuss your strategies to avoid using technological tools like “electronic worksheets” and achieve a meaningful and engaging learning process.

According to Jati (2018), a student-centered learning approach refers to a focus on students in the learning process, where students have an active role in building their understanding and skills. Technology can be used as a tool to assist students in building their understanding and skills, such as access to authentic teaching materials, communication tools, and opportunities to learn together. However, Jati (2018) also emphasizes the importance of strategic and appropriate use of technology in learning English, and that technology is not a substitute for effective teaching and learning practices.

Blended learning is an approach that combines face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning activities (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008). This approach can be effective in implementing a student-centered approach to EFL learning, as it allows for more flexibility and individualization in the learning process. By using online resources and tools, students can access authentic materials, collaborate with their peers, and work at their own pace, all of which can support their language development (Kim, 2015).

According to Jati (2018), in a student-centered approach, the teacher acts as a facilitator and guides students to achieve their learning goals. Blended learning can support this approach by allowing teachers to use a variety of instructional strategies, such as group work, individual assignments, and multimedia resources, that can help students build their understanding and skills (Warschauer & Healey, 1998).

However, it is important to use blended learning strategically and appropriately. Teachers should carefully select online resources and activities that align with their learning objectives and provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences for their students. Additionally, teachers should provide guidance and support to students to ensure they are able to navigate the online environment effectively and use the technology to enhance their learning experience (Lisenbee, 2016).

In conclusion, blended learning can be an effective approach for implementing a student-centered approach in the EFL classroom, as it provides opportunities for individualization, collaboration, and authentic language use, while also allowing teachers to facilitate and guide the learning process.

Based on my teaching experience and knowledge as an EFL teacher, the strategy I employ to avoid using technological tools such as "electronic worksheets" and achieve meaningful and interesting learning processes, is the implementation of blended learning, such as:

  • Implementation of Online and Face-to-Face Learning: using online learning platforms such as Google Classroom to provide materials, assignments, and activities to students. Students can access materials and complete assignments independently outside of class. Then, in class, I can facilitate discussions, presentations, or collaborative activities based on the materials learned online.
  • Use of Interactive Technology such as instructional videos, online English language games, and English language learning apps like Duolingo. Students can access materials and learn English independently outside of class through mobile devices or computers. Then, in class, teachers can integrate this interactive technology into learning to facilitate student engagement and increase their motivation.
  • Student Collaboration using technology. For example, they can create online study groups through WhatsApp, or collaborate on collaborative projects like Google Docs to share and edit documents together, which can enhance student interaction and participation.

The implementation of blended learning in English language classes can improve student participation, increase learning motivation, and allow students to learn independently. However, it is important to develop appropriate and relevant strategies, so that technology can be used effectively to achieve learning goals.

Finally, strategies for avoiding the use of technological tools such as electronic worksheets and achieving meaningful and engaging learning processes based on the current curriculum, include: assessing students' learning needs, stimulating student engagement, focusing on cooperative learning, implementing strategies for language acquisition, and integrating technological tools in online assessment. With this application, teachers can ensure that the use of technology tools is effective and aligned with the needs and learning styles of students (Maharani et al, 2022).


Garrison, D. R., & Vaughan, N. D. (2008). Blended learning in higher education: Framework, principles, and guidelines. John Wiley & Sons.

Jati, A. Gumawang. 2018. Innovations in ELT. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI5303/3SKS/Modul 1-9: Innovation in ELT. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Kim, J. (2015). The effectiveness of blended learning for the achievement of learning objectives in EFL contexts. English Language Teaching, 8(5), 233-242.

Maharani, V., Yunus, M., & Susilo, H. (2022). Teachers' Perspectives on Blended Learning Implementation: A Case Study in Indonesia. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 50(1), 3-18. doi: 10.1177/00472395211028660

Lisenbee, P. (2016). Technology Integration in the English Language Classroom. TESL-EJ, 20(2), 1-14.

Warschauer, M., & Healey, D. (1998). Computers and language learning: An overview. Language Teaching, 31(2), 57-71.